Three Reasons You Should Speak With a Car Accident Attorney
Getting hurt in an automobile crash can be an unsettling experience. In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, car accident victims may be entitled to pursue damages for their injuries through an insurance claim or lawsuit. If you were injured in a negligent car accident, you don’t have to go through this process alone.
Reach out to a Pennsylvania personal injury attorney to protect your rights. Over the years, our attorneys at Goldberg, Goldberg & Maloney have successfully recovered millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements for car accident victims and their families. As your legal counsel, we will fight vigorously for your rights, strive to hold the liable party accountable, and help you pursue the financial compensation you deserve.
Our firm proudly serves clients across West Chester, Pennsylvania. Set up a consultation today.
Reasons To Speak with an Auto Accident Attorney
After an accident, you have the option of filing your claim on your own or hiring an attorney. However, what you do—or do not do—following the auto crash can greatly impact the outcome of your claims. If you were involved in a traffic accident, here are some reasons to retain a car accident lawyer:
Fault vs. No-Fault State
You’ll need an attorney to help you navigate the difference between these two kinds of states. In an at-fault state, the driver who caused the accident will hold financial liability for injuries, vehicle damages, and other accident-related expenses suffered by the victims. In addition, claimants must prove negligence and establish liability in order to seek damages. On the other hand, in a no-fault state, the accident victim can file an injury claim with their own insurer (via their PIP policy) to seek medical benefits, lost wages, and other out-of-pocket costs, regardless of who was at fault for the accident.
Additionally, Pennsylvania is a "choice, no-fault" state. According to the state's optional no-fault principle, you can file a claim with your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) policy to seek medical benefits and other accident-related expenses, regardless of the at-fault party. State laws allow policyholders to choose between "full tort" and "limited tort" coverage - there are important differences in these coverages in Pennsylvania.
Using their extensive knowledge about the state's personal injury laws, your legal counsel can help you understand the procedures and principles addressing car accident cases and determine the ideal way to proceed.
Injuries Are Serious
If you sustained serious injuries from the accident, you should hire a lawyer to help protect your rights. Often, catastrophic injuries require ongoing medical treatments, physical therapy, surgery, and rehabilitation.
Keep in mind that you should never accept a settlement offer or negotiate with the insurer unless you have recovered fully or attained maximum medical improvement (MMI). Your attorney can evaluate the magnitude of your injuries and damages, estimate your case value, and attempt to recover the maximum financial compensation available in your case.
Negotiating With the Insurance Company
Dealing with the insurance provider on your own can be difficult. The insurance adjuster may negotiate using bad faith tactics, such as unnecessarily delaying, undervaluing, or denying your claims. Getting in touch with skilled representation when dealing with the insurance carrier or claims adjuster is crucial.
Things to Ask a Personal Injury Attorney
If you're considering hiring a personal injury attorney, here are some important questions to ask:
How long have you been practicing personal injury law?
Have you handled car accident cases like mine before?
How long do you think it may take to resolve my case?
What is the estimated value of my case?
Who will handle my case?
How much time can you dedicate to my case?
What is your honest assessment of my case?
Will you take my case to trial or settle out of court?
If I lose my claim, who will cover any case-related expenses?
Do you work on a contingency fee basis?
Get in touch with us at Goldberg, Goldberg & Maloney when you’re ready to retain a car accident lawyer.
You've Been Through Enough. Let Us Help.
Any kind of car crash in Pennsylvania can be an overwhelming experience. But you don't have to face the pain and financial liability all alone. Since 1967, we have been offering compassionate representation and knowledgeable counsel to clients throughout Pennsylvania. Our team is ready to investigate the details of your case and explore your legal options.
Contact us at Goldberg, Goldberg & Maloney to schedule a simple case evaluation with experienced car accident attorneys. We're proud to represent clients across Chester County and the rest of the state.